We can’t wait to see you! Thank you for embracing registration and working with us as we look for ways to make gathering possible! Online services for all ages will continue so that everyone can join us in some form! We love you, Evergreen and online friends!

Click here to register.

Current CDC Guidelines will be followed.

In-Person Services

Service Time: 9:15am

11am In-Person Service Beginning Easter Sunday

Attendance by Pre-Registration Only

eKids (Birth–6th Grade)

Birth through 6th grade eKids Classes offered

eKids Online will continue to be offered online HERE

eYouth (7th–12th Grade)

7th Grade and above our invited to our auditorium services

eYouth will continue to be offered online HERE

Wednesdays eYouth will continue IN PERSON at 6:30pm, as well as online HERE


In Person services offered at 9:15am—households will be seated together

Services will continue to be offered online HERE


Face masks must be worn by all ages 5 years and above. If you are unable to wear a mask, we invite you to join us for church online.


Please maintain a 6 ft social distance from those not in your household.

Hand Sanitizer Stations at Entrance

Sanitize hands before entering the auditorium.

Self Screen BEFORE Arriving

If you can answer yes to either of these questions, we ask that you join us for ONLINE Service:

  1. Do you have any COVID symptoms: Cough, fever, shortness of breath, headache, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of smell or taste, fatigue, muscle/body aches, sore throat, congestion?
  2. Have you been exposed to anyone who has tested positive in the past 2 weeks?

For COVID-19 symptoms click HERE.

Facility Sanitizing:

  • Prior to service, we clean and disinfect high touch surfaces.
  • During services, portable hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the building.
  • Between services, please exit the building so we can clean and disinfect to prepare for the next service.

Click here to register for in-person services.

If you don’t make it in to the in-person service, you can connect with our online services on YouTube and Facebook!